Leveling the Playing Field

Creating tools for equivalently accessible video game worlds.

At the top, a heading that says "Granting experiences." Below this heading, three panels side-by-side, representing the three projects. From left to right, a game character aiming at an enemy in the distance (for NavStick), a depiction of a smartphone showing a minimap of a game level (for SATs), an overhead view of a game room with grid cells on the floor (for Surveyor).

A slide from my talk. My work focuses on how we can design assistive tools by focusing on the potential experiences they can grant users. In this talk, I go over three of my projects on making video game worlds accessible to BLV players: NavStick (focusing on the experience of looking around), spatial awareness tools (focusing on the experience of gaining spatial awareness), and Surveyor (focusing on the experience of discovery).

© 2024 Vishnu Nair

Built by me using Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS.